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Foro Shadowhunters: The Mortal Instruments

Post SPOILERS 3ª Temporada (contiene información de los libros)

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15/08/2017 22:16
Para dejar y comentar toda la información que vaya saliendo y lo que nuestros queridos lectores de los libros nos quieran ir adelantando y aclarando.

10/04/2018 07:21
Lo que digo; no siguen los libros al pie de la letra, pero…
En los libros, Simon tiene la marca de Caín ( se la pone Clary) En la serie es la reina Seelie quien lo hace.Pero el resultado es el mismo, tiene la marca.
En los libros, es su madre la que lo echa de casa.En la serie es Luke quien lo echa.Pero el resultado es el mismo.Que se tiene que buscar nuevo alojamiento( con Jordan)

Alec en los libros está mosca con el pasado de Magnus…
….Y por lo que se dice en la entrevista, parece que en la serie también

It's pretty safe to say that Magnus (Harry Shum Jr.) and Alec's (Matthew Daddario) relationship on Shadowhunters this season has been a mix between what shipper dreams are made of and some A++ domestic Malec fan-fiction. It's been a joyous few episodes watching them be happy together, but don't get too used to it.

According to Daddario, while it's been mostly smooth sailing for Malec so far — Alec's mom even got on board with their romance! — there are very rough waters ahead for this fan-favorite couple.

On top of relationship woes, Alec has quite a few other hurdles to clear in his future. His mother is about to expelled from the Clave and stripped of her runes, and his Parabatai is acting super weird because he's secretly working with Lillith (Anna Hopkins), a.k.a. the Queen of Hell. TV Guide spoke with Daddario about how all this drama will affect his relationship with Magnus, plus his plans for Lillith moving forward!
Has it been nice to play a more comedic Alec this season and to see Malec at peace together after so much turmoil?
Matthew Daddario: I can't tell you how nice it was. [In the second episode], we had a lovely time filming the scenes at the warlock party and trying to get past this new interloper into the warlock world. We had a lot of fun with that. It was funny, it was amusing! And I think Alec and Magnus really lend themselves to that kind of amusing territory because they are both strong characters and they have very different ways of doing things. It kind of gives an interesting vibe.
At the same time, they love each other, so that's very endearing. We really like that, but I would urge people not to be too comfortable with that because it goes way downhill and it's pretty much just difficulty for the next 16 episodes. The little bit of bliss is very short-lived, and I would like to go back to it. I think that we will, but in the meantime, things are rough around the edges for a long time. A lot going on there, you know? Magnus is a complicated character.

What can you tell us about why things get rough between them for so long?
Daddario: I think that Alec just generally has a little bit of concern about Magnus' past, as you might with someone who's had that much experience. At the same time, there's the obvious element of — you can't get worked up about people's pasts because you didn't know them. It's not your business really, or if it is, it's only if it continues into what's going on now. I think Magnus has had just so many that it maybe gets a little like, "Uhhh, this is a little tough to deal with." I think in the course of a person's life like Alec, he's happy that he's found someone, but it's a young relationship. It's early on in the relationship, but they've taken some big steps forward. I think that he'll get over it, at least he should, but along the way, it will be kind of an interesting thing to see how he handles
There was a nice moment where Maryse (Nicola Correia-Damude) sort of embraced Magnus and Alec's relationship. How important was that for Alec to see her do that?
Daddario: That's a really good moment... First of all, Nic is a tremendous actress and her relationship with Alec has been one of the more interesting ones on the show because of how it's progressed. I think there's a real reality to her and how she treats her kids... There's some very interesting stuff coming up for her, and I'm very excited every time I get to work with her. It's very exciting.

This scene in particular had some very good and real moments with the kind of vulnerable woman who's been dealing with issues with her marriage and then also with her past and who she is and how she views that world. So we had all this come together into this moment with her son and her son's boyfriend, and then her acceptance of that was, I think, quite beautiful because of how real it was. Part of me hoped that would sort of be the, "That's it now, and things are now blissful and wonderful," but that's not the Shadow World. And we wouldn't have TV if we didn't have conflict. Conflict is coming.

How do you think Alec is going to react to the news that Jace (Dominic Sherwood) is secretly the Owl?
Daddario: First he has to find out about it, that's step one. Alec doesn't know yet, and I'm sure once he finds out that's going to be something of concern, you know, having your Parabatai taken over by the Queen of Hell... And in the meantime, it's likely that he's going to be spending some time trying to figure out exactly what's going on with Jace, especially considering what happened at the end of last season. That should be a point of concern... Is he going to tell Jace just to buck up and get it together or is he going to be very caring or is he going to be just worried? Alec is very distracted this season, largely with Magnus — very, very distracted by that, and now he's got to deal with all these other issues, so he's definitely concerned. He's going to be concerned into the future, and hopefully he can figure out a way to help Jace out of this very unpleasant situation.

As the head of the Institute, how much pressure will Alec be under to take on Lillith and solve this Greater Demon problem?
Daddario: Alec's involvement with the Owl and Lillith is very administrative because Alec is dealing with things in his relationship with Magnus, with his relationships with the people around him, and there's a change in Alec. He becomes something removed from the goings on of the Owl situation, but he's concerned with Jace... Alec's involvement with the Lillith storyline in general is going to be more administrative... As head of the Institute, he's concerned about it and he wants to get to the bottom of it. I'll say that.

Cuidado, puede haber problemas con el suministro de pañuelos….snif
10/04/2018 17:05
Muuuchas gracias por toda la información, Rut...
Respecto al ultimatum, ¿y si fuera de Alec a Jace?por aquello de que sospecha que le está ocultando algo y los otros dos no sueltan prenda...
I don't abandon people I care about: Tiene tooooda la pinta de ser una frase que diga Clary.
Jopeee parece que a Alec se le acumulan los frentes abiertos snif
SPOILER (puntero encima para mostrar)

Uy, Lord Montomery....yo pensando que ahí iba a haber tema, hasta que llegó Alec y me chafó la escena carcajadacarcajada

10/04/2018 22:11
Hey que yo nunca he dicho que no estén siguiendo los libros, ¿cómo voy a saberlo si no me los he leído? Solo digo que, por no habérmelos leído, la única información con la cuento para teorizar es la que proveen promos, adelantos y stills, de ahí que al escuchar semejante amenaza de Lilith a Jace me pareciera lógico pensar que a eso se referían con que alguien lanzaría un ultimátum a alguien. Como también dije, opciones hay miles, lo más probable es que ocurra como dice Rut, pero la idea de Caren también es válida así como cualquier otra que se nos pueda ocurrir.

Sobre la entrevista (gracias Rut):
- “It's been a joyous few episodes watching them (Malec) be happy together, but don't get too used to it.”- por lo menos disfrutaremos mientras dure… jejejeje ya sabíamos que no sería para siempre ;)
- “[In the second episode], we had a lovely time filming the scenes at the warlock party and trying to get past this new interloper into the warlock world.”- la verdad es que rodar este capítulo tuvo que ser super divertido, sabiendo cómo son los dos no me extraña que lo pasaran genial.
- “Nic is a tremendous actress and her relationship with Alec has been one of the more interesting ones on the show because of how it's progressed.”- totalmente de acuerdo, cuántas veces hemos comentado la evolución de Maryse y lo que nos gusta ahora, jejeje
Por lo demás, pues lo que venimos diciendo en estos días, ya sabemos que nos toca drama por el pasado y la inmortalidad de Magnus, que Alec va a tener muchos frentes abiertos esta temporada y que le va a costar enterarse de lo que ocurre con Jace. Aunque hay algo que me ha intrigado:
- “…especially considering what happened at the end of last season”- ¿qué va a pasaaaaaar??ouch
10/04/2018 23:49
En ningún caso he pretendido "ningunear" o quitar la razón a la gente que no se ha leído los libros. Además, en parte me alegro de que no los sigan al pie de la letra, porque sería bastante aburrido.
Es más, ver la serie sin leer los libros tiene su punto positivo, en el sentido de que quienes no conocéis de antemano lo que ocurre tenéis la mente más abierta a lo que pueda ocurrir, mientras que los que lo hemos leído a veces nos emperramos en que las cosas sean como en el libro.
Por poner un ejemplo; en los libros Alec no se entera de quien es el padre de Magnus casi hasta el final del sexto libro y Magnus se lo dice casi a regañadientes y en la serie ya se sabe.
Por eso, yo me empeño en que el ultimatum no puede ser de Lilith a Jace, pero, de no haber leído los libros, sería un opción válida (y en verdad no sería descartable...)

SPOILER (puntero encima para mostrar)

Es que Alec a veces es un tanto inoportuno...
En una historia posterior al sexto libro, será Simon el que interrumpa carcajada
No me negarás que Lord Montgomery tenía su qué carcajada

11/04/2018 20:55
Pues al final, tanto comernos la cabeza con el ultimatum y resulta que es de Izzy a Raphael(esto sí que no me lo esperaba ouch)
SPOILER (puntero encima para mostrar)

Lord Mongomery tenía un puntazo!carcajada De hecho, por sus hechuras a mi me recordaba un poco al Lestat de Anne Rice carcajada

16/04/2018 16:00
Os dejo la información del capítulo.( En inglés, la traducción la veo en una pâgina de facebook, pero esta vez no era muy buena)

In 'Stronger Than Heaven' Jace, still suffering from the effects of his resurrection last season, partakes in a little day drinking at the Hunter's Moon. Simon, who is also there trying to reorganise a gig of his that was somehow cancelled (although not by him), happens upon Jace and explains his current situation, which leads to Jace helping him. Jace checks out Simon's new apartment and immediately becomes suspicious, both of the perfect decor and how exactly it all came to be. Something just isn't adding up for him, and Jace may not be the biggest fan of 'Kyle'. Throughout the episode, Jace also considers how he may be able to receive help for the problems he thinks he's having, but Clary and Alec may not be as on board as he is with the idea.

In this week's episode, Clary goes to Luke and Cleophas to explore a different option in helping Jace. Clary comes clean to Luke about what happened at Lake Lyn and he agrees to help after seeing how much guilt Clary carries over the situation. The episode's events involve an experiment of sorts which may end up drawing the attention of powerful forces and putting multiple characters in danger.

Elsewhere, Magnus dwells on a black box that he keeps in his apartment, which leaves Alec feels curious. In this week's episode they also broach the topic of moving in together, which leads them to talking about their time together and may segue into even bigger discussions about Magnus' romantic past and some of the larger differences between the two of them. We've had glimpses of this from their first date back in season 2 (and even season 1), but it's somewhat surprising that it's been somewhat allowed to settle and is only now rearing it's head.

Elsewhere Lilith, following her encounter with Magnus, devises a plan to bring Jace further under her control which may bring one of his loved ones in harm's way.

At the halfway point in 3A, 'Stronger Than Heaven' separates some of the main characters in order to advance several of the main plots of the season, focusing on finding the courage to fix the problems in your life and once again, the consequences that having secrets can have on you.

And with that I'm going to leave you with a few teasers to tide you over until Tuesday:
- Izzy Lightwood fight scene!
- Lilith appears to have done her research on Magnus.
- Alec has a scene with another Shadowhunter that highlights his strength.
- One character does something that may have dire consequences.
- "I'm not a job

Hala, chicas, toca romperse la cabeza
17/04/2018 20:15
Bueno, pues más o menos lo que ya sabíamos mediante adelantos y demás, a destacar:
- “Clary goes to Luke and Cleophas- encantada de ver a esta señora de nuevo, me gusta su personaje. Aunque parece que las consecuencias no van a ser muy buenas. La pelirroja como siempre, metiendo a la gente en problemas…
- “Magnus dwells on a black box- ¿como la de los aviones?¿guarda registro de todos los amoríos del brujo? Jajajajajaja ;P
- “[this chapter] separates some of the main characters in order to advance several of the main plots of the season”- ¿más todavía? Pero si ya van cada uno por su lado!!ouch

Respecto a los teasers:
- Alec has a scene with another Shadowhunter that highlights his strength- anda, pues a ver quén sera…! ¿Alguien llegado de Idris?
- One character does something that may have dire consequences- cualquiera, pero diría que Lapelirroja por lo que dicen anteriormente
- "I'm not a job”- ouch ¿Simon a Jace? ¿Porque el último se tome el ayudar al primero “como una misión”?
17/04/2018 20:58
¿Qué tendrá, que tendrá la caja negra de Magnus? La idea de los ex amantes estaría bien.. y que una cosa llevará a la otra y que al verlo Alec se plantease que él es un mortal que también acabará formando parte de esa caja en forma de recuerdo
Lo de la dire situation y el dangerous experiment tiene toooda la pinta de ir conectado.
I'm not a Job: Sí puede ser que sea de Simon a Jace, por la desconfianza que le inspira Kyle al último...o puede ser de Simon al propio Kyle si finalmente se descubre que Jace tenía motivos para desconfiar de él.
19/04/2018 20:02
El pánico ya se apoderó del fandom
El capítulo 3×19 se titula Aku Cinta Kamu
Caren ya sabe lo que significa
Es lo que le dice Magnus a Alec cuando rompe con él
Aunque aquí, ojalá, sea tan solo " Te amo" en indonesio
19/04/2018 20:21
Jo, pues ojalá me equivoque pero tiene toda la pinta snif
SPOILER (puntero encima para mostrar)

te quiero, pero no puedo seguir contigo

Por cierto, que hay sinopsis para el 3x07, Salt in the Wound
With the Owl's identity revealed, Alec, Isabelle, and Clary head to Alicante to try and find a way to stop him. Luke and Simon team up to track Lilith's latest possible victim. Maia reflects on her past.
Así que para el final de 3x06 es de suponer que ya descubran quien es el Owl
Sinopsis del 3x08
Pues parece que el final de la 3A será el 15 de mayo y será un especial de dos horas asombrado
28/04/2018 00:00
Según rumores, este parece ser Asmodeus, padre de Magnus
No parece muy fiero, pero diablo
Sí,Caren, parece que van a unir los dos últimos capítulos
Parece que tenemos Ollie al menos hasta el 3×10, ya que sigue apareciendo el nombre de la actriz.
Estoy pensando si no harán que Ollie en la serie haga el papel de Amatis en los libros.
Amatis es hermana de Luke, y Caren sabe bien lo que pasa con ella.
Tanto Amatis en los libros, como Ollie en la serie son cercanas a Luke y por eso pienso que podría existir un paralelismo en sus historias.
29/04/2018 16:03
Lo he visto por twitter...incluso hay alguno que ha escrito que va a ser el padre de Magnus porque tiene un parecido físico con Harry...Habrá que esperar si se confirma...
compro tu paralelismo Ollie/Amatis, Rut...aunque eso quiera decir que Ollie va a seguir durante un tiempo...
BTS de infarto...
06/05/2018 16:15
Que recuerde, Magnus y su padre tienen los mismos ojos. Es en lo que se parecen. La raza es cosa de la madre de Magnus, que era indonesa.
La foto taquicárdica, como de costumbre.
Dejo sinopsis/spoiler del capítulo del martes.
In 'A Heart Of Darkness', with The Owl secured in the Malachai Configuration, he takes extreme delight in antagonising those around him whilst they come up with a game plan to free Jace from his/Lilith's clutches. No one is spared from his cruel jibes, as Alec, Izzy, Simon and Magnus all get a turn at being subjected to The Owl's wrath. As Magnus comes up with a solution on how to release Jace, both Izzy and Alec explore the depths of the parabatai bond with a trip into Jace's mind. Expect to see memories from their childhood, and an insight into just how damaged Jace is as a result of Lilith's control. Danger is far from over for the group, as threats from both inside Jace's mind and outside with Magnus await them.
In Alicante, following her capture at the end of last week's episode, it's definitely not smooth sailing for Clary. She finds herself being subjected to questioning at the hands of Jia Penhallow, with a little help from the Soul Sword. With the threat of being unable to tell anything but the absolute truth, Clary may have no choice but to let some of her secrets come out, secrets which could land her in deep, deep trouble. There is a moment however that may display her strength in spite of her situation, and could highlight just how special she is.
Elsewhere, Luke consults a renewed connection in help with finding out what is happening in Alicante, Lilith tries to diminish her possible downfalls, and Jordan, Maia and Simon return to Lilith's lair in search for clues as to what her plan and endgame may be.
And with that I'm going to leave you with a few teasers to tide you over until Tuesday:
- Expect to see quite a bit of physical affection from multiple characters.
- Jordan sure knows how to make himself useful.
- Family connections may mean a lot more than some characters realise.
- A showcase in magic may take a turn for the worse.
- "If your precious Alexander could only have one of us, who do you think he'd pick?"

Está claro quién dice la última frase y a quién se la dice.
¿A quién prefiere?
Difícil. Un parabatai es un parabatai, pero el novio….
06/05/2018 22:19
Huy, qué preciosa foto de infarto, Caren! <3<3<3<3

Del tema nuevo actor = Asmodeo no hablo porque me temo que no tengo material para opinar, aunque hay que decir que se parecen bastante ;)

Como ya nos imaginábamos, la lechuza aburrida se va a hartar de fastidiar a todo el que se le acerque… ya lo dije en el post del capítulo, cuando el Rubio “vuelva” va a tener una resaca al más puro estilo TVD tras apagón de humanidad que a ver quién le aguanta…

“There is a moment however that may display her strength in spite of her situation, and could highlight just how special she is.”- Anda, así que Lapeli es tan especial que será capaz de no soltar la sopa ante la Soul Sword??!!ouch

“…Jordan, Maia and Simon…”- Pues ya tenemos al trío montadocarcajada

- Expect to see quite a bit of physical affection from multiple characters.- supongo que debido al ataque de la lechuza aburrida.
- Jordan sure knows how to make himself useful.- de esto no he dudado ni un momento y meos si tiene que hacerse valer delante de la ex cabreada y su nuevo novio ;)
- Family connections may mean a lot more than some characters realise.- esto diría va a ser el quiz de la cuestión en el asunto de Lapeli, o quizás la clave para liberar a Jace de la posesión.
- A showcase in magic may take a turn for the worse.- para variar, jajajajaja
- "If your precious Alexander could only have one of us, who do you think he'd pick?”- efectivamente Rut, está clarísimo de quién es la quote y hacia quién va dirigidasi. Ahora bien, la respuesta debería de ser parabatai antes que novio porque por mucho que ahora parezca ser el amor de tu vida esto puede cambiar, sin embargo, “parabatai no hay más que uno” ;) Digo yo…
06/05/2018 23:42
Pues sí, el parabatai es para siempre y solo es uno, el novio...quién sabe, lo que no quita para que la pregunta este hecha con toda la mala intenciôn de hacer daño
Que ya digo que el rubio tendrá que ahorrar para la terapia post Lilith.Menos mal que anda por ahí el Hermano Zachariah que por un Herondale hace lo que sea
Otra frase que ha salido en los spoiler
Without him I'm nothing
07/05/2018 00:01
A sí sí, que la frase va con mala leche no hay quien lo dudesi.

Ay Brother Zachariah... qué decepción! Jajajajajajaja. Física, eh? Que estoy segura de que el tío es estupendo y va a ayudar un montón ;)

Huy esa nueva quote es muy difícil, jo... puede ser de cualquiera! Todos tienen un him sin el cual no pueden vivir.
07/05/2018 21:16
Acabo de ver el adelanto ( pero estoy con móvil y no puedo subirlo)
Without him I'm nothing se lo dice Alec a Magnus....
Voy haciendo acopio de pañuelossnif
11/05/2018 14:26
Chicas animaos, que vale que el capítulo es un coñazo pero hay que verlo!carcajada

Os traigo BTS de los capis 3x09 y 3x10 y también fotos de los set que me parece súper chulos:



Escenarios 3x09:


Escenarios 3x10:

11/05/2018 17:50
La verdad es que los escenarios del set son una pasada! Gracias por las fotos :)
17/05/2018 20:20
Dejo la única información que he encontrado respecto a la 2ª parte de la temporada, luego comentaré que me tengo que ir corriendo que me esperan para tomar cervecitas ;)

Showrunners preview:

On Clary & Jonathan: “Kat McNamara is coming back to the show. Without ruining it, the fact that Jonathan’s hand grabbed her from that coffin means something moving forward. She wasn’t alone when she ran across that room. And Lilith did a whole lot to bring back Jonathan; the arm proved that it worked — and that he’s alive.”

On Lilith: “You can never kill a greater demon, You can only banish them back to Edom, so Lilith is not gone. In fact, you’ll see her again. But the poor thing is stuck in Edom, and she’s not too happy about that.”

On Simon & Izzy: “In 3B, we really explore their relationship in a way we haven’t yet. Sizzy fans worldwide will unite and be really pleased. Again, it’s about patience and the slow burn, but it’s burning brighter. Their friendship is so special. In [this finale], she saw Simon at his lowest point in that waiting room scene. The way he collapses into her arms just broke our hearts. It was his great acting, but it was also their chemistry.”

On Maia: She will come back in 3B and “we get to really see what’s going on at the Jade Wolf — the pack politics. She’s forced to step up in a way she never thought she was capable of. She’s someone who has always chosen to run away when things get difficult…she comes back in a really cool way that fans will dig.”


Tessa Mossey, que inicialmente apareció como estrella invitada en la segunda temporada de la serie dramática de Freeform Shadowhunters, volverá a repetir su personaje en un papel recurrente en la temporada 3.
Mossey interpreta a Heidi, una vampira deliciosamente malvada e impredecible, con una misterioso conexión con alguien en el círculo interno de los Cazadores de Sombras. La serie ofreció ayer noche el final de la primera mitad de su tercera temporada y de momento no ha anunciado todavía fecha para el estreno de la temporada 3B.
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