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POST SPOILERS 6ª TEMPORADA The Vampire Diaries..

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16/05/2014 22:13
Bueno abro el post para los Spoilers de la sexta temporada el primero Enzo y Alaric se llevaran muy mal y Enzo es oficialmente regular. bravo bravo bravo bravo bravo
Enzo Regular









Pues parece que ya esta confirmado una tristeza profunda la verdad muchos lloros preparar los pañuelos por que nos vienen despedidas. snif snif snif snif snif


Fui una humana, una vampira, una doppelganger, una alocada inmortal, una doppelganger que se hizo pasar por una humana, una humana que se hizo pasar por una doppelganger. Me secuestraron, me mataron, resucité, fui torturada, hechizada... ¡y aún me queda muchísimo que vivir antes de que finalice la actual temporada el próximo mayo!", afirma Nina haciendo un particular balance de su paso por la ficción





Acabo de pasar el más hermoso fin de semana en Lake Lanier, Georgia con mi propia familia de la serie, el elenco y el staff de The Vampire Diaries. Quiero ser la primera en decirles que esto no sólo fueron unas vacaciones, fue una fiesta de despedida. Siempre supe que la historia de Elena sería una aventura de seis temporadas, y dentro de esos seis años tuve el viaje de mi vida. (...) Quiero compartir este adiós con todos ustedes (estas fotos son sólo el principio). Ustedes, el gran fandom que me dio amor, apoyo y pasión que nadie pudo haber imaginado hace siete años, cuando una joven chica Degrassi que venía de Canadá se presentó en L.A. a la audición del "programa Twilight de TV". Los amo a todos. Amarren sus cinturones. Si creen que saben lo que viene, se equivocan




Decirle adiós a Nina es amargo y hermoso. Después de seis años juntos, el elenco y staff de The Vampire Diaries ha alcanzado un nivel de familiaridad que nadie esperaba. Nina está emocionada por abrir sus alas, descansar, viajar por el mundo y tomarlo en sus manos, y nosotros la apoyamos en todo. Extrañaremos a Nina y a los cuatrocientos personajes que interpretó, pero estamos ansiosos por los locos y emocionantes retos de continuar las historias de los hermanos Salvatore y el resto de nuestro muy querido y talentoso ensamble de actores. ‘’
Michael ha sido un miembro muy querido de la familia Vampire Diaries desde el día uno. A pesar de que él también irá a explorar nuevas oportunidades en el mundo, esperamos encontrar nuevas formas creativas para asegurarnos de que él y su personaje, Tyler Lockwood, siempre sean parte de nuestro show.

Nina Dobrev y Michael Trevino abandonan la serie CONFIRMADO
24/07/2014 18:59
Estos han salido en EOnline, la Plec comienza a hablar carcajada


What's that sound? Oh, just us, sitting over here still getting all weepy over the tragic events of The Vampire Diaries' season finale, which found Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Bonnie (Kat Graham) trapped on The Other Side, just as it was deteriorating. Tears were shed. Tissues were crumbled. Ice cream was consumed.

Of course, this is TVD, which means "death" is usually just the beginning. So how will Stefan (Paul Wesley), Elena (Nina Dobrev), Caroline (Candice Accola) and the rest of the gang be coping with their loss when season six kicks off with a four-month time jump? And Ian and Kat will be back on the CW hit, but when?! Executive producer Julie Plec answered some of our burning season six questions at the CW's Summer TCA Party, where she told us this season is all about "the ensemble trying to find their way back to each other, trying to get back their grief, start over, move on and get their home back ultimately."

We'll still be seeing Ian and Kat right? Right?! Pointing and laughing at you forever if you thought TVD was really going to let Smolderhotter Somerhalder go! "You'll see enough of them to make you happy and more as it goes along. They are by no means going to be off the air for six episodes," Plec assured. "The mystery is where are they, what happened, are they dead, not dead, and what the hell are they going to do together, those two of all people?"

So how exactly are Stefan and Elena dealing with their grief? "It's surprising, only in that it's not instantly what you'd expect," Plec teased. "They're both grieving, but they're both coping with their grief in very specific and not necessarily conventional ways." And Plec noted that Stefan "particularly is surprising."

But what about Stefan and Caroline? It seems like whatever was brewing between the longtime just-friends has been put on the back burner…for now. "They are going to have a lot to do to work on their friendship in the beginning of the year," Plec said. "We'll see if that goes anywhere."

How is the recently resurrected Alaric adjusting to being alive again? Saying "it's so great" to have Matt Davis back, Plec previewed that Alaric is "still a vampire, he's not evil anymore, so what the hell is he going to do with his life?" A one-word tease for what TV's hottest former history teacher is up to? "Fun." (The mind reels!)

And just what is Enzo, played by new series regular Michael Malarkey up to? Trouble and we love it. "He's going to bring a little bit of the fun and a little bit of the naughty," Plec previewed. "He reminds me a lot of season one Damon in that any given moment you can't tell if he's going to make a joke or kill somebody."
The Vampire Diaries returns Thursday, Oct. 2, on the CW.
24/07/2014 19:32
y esa es la universidad
24/07/2014 19:36
A mi hay cosas de esa entrevista que me han llamado la atención, que vale que pueden no ser datos exactos, pero por ahí irán los tiros.

Los que elaboran el artículo dan a entender que pasan 4 meses no 7, no?
A mi la verdad es que 7 me parecían excesivos para no haberse puesto manos a la obra...

Después la Plec parece confirmar que veremos a Damon y Bonnie en todos los capítulos, pero que por lo menos no tendremos reencuentro en 6 episodios

También comenta que Caroline y Stefan no estarán en muy buenos términos al comenzar la temporada, así que dudo mucho que sea ella esa "sorprendente fuente de apoyo". Yo sigo apostando por Enzo o por el alcohol carcajada
24/07/2014 20:42
Que raro se me hace ver a Ric ahi, pero que ilusion y alegria!!!!!!

Al final 4 meses?si eso seria algo mas normal,un termino medio vamos

Sisi, el reencuentro debe hacerse de rogar un poquito porque sino...

Jajaja, si yo apuesto por lo mismo tocaya, vamos a ver a un Stefan un poco rebelde creo yo, y oye con razon porque menudo golpe este de la muerte de su hermano, me gustaria verle "sufrir" un poquito por Damon y que se vea ese amor de hermanos!!,
24/07/2014 20:47
Es que el reencuentro lo tienen que alargar porque va a ser el momentazo de la temporada! Y tienen que liar el panorama antes... Me parecen bien seis capitulos!!! Razonable para tampoco cansar (aunque yo un poco mas tambien lo habria alargado)

Y de mientras tendremos flashbacks porque sin escenas delena se les hunde el chiringuito xD pero no se si es bueno o malo... Porque igual quitan un poco la emocion...
24/07/2014 20:50
Hola a todo el mundo

Como estais?..

Acabo de terminar de leer todos los spoliers...4 meses me parecen perfectos. 7 creo que son demasiados. Y el reencuentro se hara de gusta. Como habéis dicho, es el momentazo de la temporada pero yo sigo con que nos deben una escena defan en condiciones, que no la dieron cuando Damon murió y la eche muchísimo en falta asi que espero que den una delena y otra defan...

Luego vuelvo que me reclaman el ordenador...Pa una vez que puedo entrar...arggg..

25/07/2014 16:27
Trevino ya terminó de rodar el primer capi!

Candice todavia sigue porque la foto es de hace 12 min...
26/07/2014 12:19
quiero tener fe de que nos cuenten hoy algo...pero dificil ajjajaaj
26/07/2014 15:56
Hola por aquí también! Imposible leeros ahora todo con el movil y el WiFi que va a pedales... En cuanto vuelva me pongo al día!

Gracias a todos por ir dejando los spoilers nuevos :)

Hoy Comic con!!! Por fin!
Supongo que lo que digan irá por las lineas que han estado hablando hasta ahora... Pero bueno, igual cae algo!!
Y con suerte tendremos vídeo con imágenes nuevas si
Por lo demás, creo que este año la cómic con va a estar más interesante por el cotilleo que por lo que vayan a desvelar de la serie jaja
26/07/2014 16:45
Alguien me pone un enlace para lo de la COMIC CON porfis?
28/07/2014 16:10
Paul dice que el salto en el tiempo en un año

Question: What will be the new threat this season?

JULIE PLEC: There’s multiple threats this season. There’s the threat of our supernatural heroes trying to get home to Mystic Falls and of course Damon and Bonnie trying to get home, period. Where they are, it’s not easy to get out of. There’s this ever growing sense of dread that somebody out there is not really happy with them and is determined to mess with their world. The threats are gonna come from some surprising places in the beginning and will grow over the course of the season.

What storyline do you have planned for Caroline this season?

PLEC: Caroline’s got a terrific storyline and I won’t spoil anything for the second half of the season but it’s gonna be pretty big. In the beginning it’s really just about her trying to pick up the pieces and figure out how she’s supposed to be living her life. Caroline Forbes has always been the girl with the lists and the spreadsheets, matching nail polish, the perfect dress, and the perfect party. She’s feeling displaced from her home and now from her friends. Each of them are lost in a different way. Her mom is still in Mystic Falls, she can’t even have lunch with her mom in her own home town. She’s gonna have to start over and figure herself out.

Can you tease any developing relationships coming up next season?

PLEC: I can tease a little. I think something we’re all excited about is seeing Tyler in a new dynamic with somebody. One of the fun things that’s happened in four months is that he and Elena have actually become buddies. Seeing him have a girl friend is very enjoyable and then seeing him have the hots for somebody—not Elena, someone else—and develop a romance. He hasn’t had a romance since Caroline and they’ve come back to a good place with each other. It’s time for him to find something for himself.

Will Alaric be a father figure to Elena?

MATT DAVIS: We’re gonna start the season a few months from where we left off in Season 5 and I think you’ll definitely see the relationship between Alaric right from the get-go. I don’t know if fatherly is the correct term but he’s definitely a presence in her life. I feel like the bulk of my scenes are with Elena. You’ll see that relationship deepen and grow and that relationship sets up a critical plot point for the rest of the season.

Alaric can’t come back to Mystic Falls, will he be at the college?

DAVIS: Maybe. That’s set up right from the very beginning. I will not be with some of the other vampire characters not in Mystic Falls. You’ll see Alaric having established a life outside of Mystic Falls that I found appealing creatively and narratively, and I think the fans will like to see too.

Can you talk about what you’d like to see when it comes to the dynamic between Damon and Alaric?

DAVIS: I feel like you can’t have Alaric without Damon. You might have Damon without Alaric at some level but I think you’ll see Alaric doing everything he can to fix this time rift that’s happened after Season 4.

What’s going on with Stefan? How is he dealing with Damon not being there?

PAUL WESLEY: It’s funny, over the hiatus I was talking to Julie Plec and said, “What’s Stefan doing?” And she’s like, “Well he’s searching for his brother.” And I was like, “No, he’s not! He’s cut himself off and he’s left town.” She was like, “I really like that.” So, she wrote this really interesting take on Stefan. He’s decided to shut off his emotions and you think he’s searching for his brother but he’s really just lying to everyone. He’s started his own life. He wants nothing to do with anyone, he’s done.

Is he very dark this season?

WESLEY: I wouldn’t say that, he’s actually content and happy, he’s just kind of moved on.

Why do you think he’s of this state of mind now?

WESLEY: I think he’s very emotionally affected by his brother’s loss and Bonnie’s loss but doesn’t want to deal with it. We open up the story, it’s a year later. Stefan’s decided to deal with it in a way that’s unexpected.

We were told it was only a four month jump.

WESLEY: Really? I was told it was a year. It’s more than four, I feel like.

Would you like to see Stefan and Caroline happen?

WESLEY: Yeah. I want them to make out, I want them to make it dirty, I want them to get sexy, I want them to just go at it, and then see what happens. Then if they wanna be friends it’s cool but they’ll still have that night, you know? [laughs]

Will Elena go back to college next season and what can you tell us about her state of mind?

NINA DOBREV: Yeah. She’s crazy. I mean, not crazy but you wonder about her state of mind. She has a very interesting and confusing way of dealing with these particular deaths.

Can you talk a little bit about her relationship with Jeremy?

DOBREV: Jeremy is in Mystic Falls because he’s not a supernatural but Elena is, so she can’t go back to Mystic Falls. They’re separated at the moment. She’s trying to be a mother figure again but he’s older, so he’s kinda not putting up with it.

Do you miss Katherine?

DOBREV: Yeah, I do. I think if she had to go, she went in the best way possible, it was really cool. I’m really happy with the way the character was closed. It was really good but I’m sad because at the end of the last season, she ended up being so desperate and she was such a mess. I love playing confused, broken characters.

What is Damon’s state of mind when the season picks up?

IAN SOMERHALDER: Ironic. Profound. The cool thing about it is I think by virtue of the fact that Damon and Bonnie are stuck together—Kat Graham and I love each other. I think she’s an insanely, ginormous talent in what she does. Katerina and I get to go work as individuals with our acting coach, create phenomenal connective tissue between what’s happening in our own lives and then what’s happening in the story. You have to find that connective tissue to make it real for ourselves. Then we get to work together as a group. What that creates is a very profound connection to the work and to each other. The shit that goes through our mind when we’re shooting is so dark, weird, dirty and nasty. And that’s sort of what creates this really cool dynamic.

How do you think the separation from Elena is going to affect their relationship?

SOMERHALDER: Well, when your boyfriend is in purgatory and some weird place—that we only shoot in this cool blue hue—I think it’s gotta be difficult. I think it’s going to be great. I think that we’ve told these stories for five years and what’s interesting is it’s gonna change. You create all these new dynamics and all these different characters fusing and molding in different capacities. It’s a reboot. It’s a time for us to see these different characters in different lights together. It’s gonna be cool, I hope.
28/07/2014 17:04
Jo que decepción lo de la promo de la Comic Con... El video en plan broma está bien y es gracioso! Pero yo quería tener ya imágenes con las que empezar a especular...
A ver si no tardan mucho en sacarnos algun avance triste

Aún no me he visto el panel de la Comic Con, pero sí he leído estos últimos spoilers que habéis puesto:

- Caroline tendrá una trama importante para la 2ª mitad de temporada!! Por fin! A ver si es verdad... y le dan un sentido en la serie aparte del de criticar a los demás jaja
Que me tiene a mí Caroline disgustada las últimas temporadas, a ver si vuelve a ser el personaje que tanto me gustó en su día...
- ¿¿Tyler y Elena en plan BFF?? ¿En serio? Pues oye, al menos será algo diferente a lo que estamos acostumbrados... Ya que Tyler y Elena rara vez han tenido escenas solos! Será gracioso verles en plan amigos jaja
- "You’ll see Alaric doing everything he can to fix this time rift that’s happened after Season 4". Ese Ric!! Ya sabía yo que él iba a ser de los que no se rendiría! Hará lo imposible para recuperar a Damon si
- Stefan mintiendo a todos y viviendo a lo suyo!! Vale, creo que es una reacción aceptable después de haber perdido a su hermano. Estará bien verle un tiempo pasando de todo! ¿Habrá encontrado a alguien? ¿Se habrá ido con alguien que ya conocemos? Porque no creo que esté viviendo completamente solo...
- A ver si se aclaran con lo del tiempo!! Que ni Paul sabe muy bien si son 4 meses, 7 o 1 año carcajada
- Bonnie y Damon van a seguir en ese limbo después de 4 meses?? Es que eso de que siempre graban con una luz azul... Pues suena a que en realidad no han ido a ninguna parte, que se han quedado justo donde estaban...
Habrá que verlo, a ver como desarrollan ese lado de la trama. Y que le saquen jugo pero que tampoco nos tengan una eternidad hasta que vuelvan... Que yo quiero delena, quiero defan y quiero ver escenas Damon-Alaric-Enzo si
28/07/2014 17:18
Ire cada vez que leo tus resumenes de spoilers o tus teorias me entran mas y mas ganas de que empiece ya todo jajaja
28/07/2014 20:03
jajaja a mí también me entran unas ganas tremendas de que llegue Octubre! O al menos de que llegue la promo ;)

Dejo esto por aquí, nueva confirmación de que Stelena está muuuy lejos de volver y ojalá que nunca vuelvan. La cara de felicidad inmensa de Paul! Este hombre es la leche, no oculta para nada que está feliz de la vida por haberse quitado de encima tener que interpretar al Stefan enamorado de Elena carcajada

postspoilers6temporadathevampirediaries postspoilers6temporadathevampirediaries
28/07/2014 20:07
Si es que no me extraña! Animalico... Si le tocó el papel más soso de la historia, sin chicha ni limoná! Hasta creo recordar que él mismo lo ha dicho no? Que estaba cansado de Stefan y que quería restos nuevos para el personaje, creo que fue cuando lo de Silas, que estaba como niño con zapatos nuevos! Lástima que le durara tan poco al pobre, le podían haber sacado mucho más jugo a ese personaje en vez de tanta movida travelera (los viajeros vaya)! Y encima lo hacía bien el chico! En fin... Que yo también me alegro de que Stefan y Elena estén en modo far away!
28/07/2014 22:49
Esto no estaba, ¿no?

28/07/2014 23:09
Ahi ahi Nina, siendo fiel a Damon (esto de los paralelismos con la vida real me pirra jajaja)

Jajajajajaja es que Paul es la leche, mirale que sonrisa de oreja a oreja!!!!
28/07/2014 23:21
Me estoy empezando a impacientar con los extraños caminos de Elena

“When asked about what Elena’s mental state is going to be next season, Nina Dobrev had to be particularly vague. She explains, saying her vagueness “is because the first episode is all about that – her mentality – and it’s very confusing actually. I don’t think everyone deals with death in this manner, but she does some pretty strange things because you wonder if she’s actually sane – she’s going crazy, but it doesn’t seem that way to the naked eye at first. It’s odd but it makes for a great story.”
28/07/2014 23:29
Me tienen oficialmente intrigada!!!! jaja
28/07/2014 23:33
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